Tucson Bagley | BagelHero
Character Artist | Work Inquiries via Email
1.0 - RESALE AND REDESIGN WITH LIMITATIONS- You may resell for as much as you purchased for, but no more. This goes for USD and premium currency on any site.
- You may trade for a character or voucher of equal value, or non-premium currency of any amount.
- You don't have to ask me, but I would like it if you informed me of trades.
- You must credit me on any pages that use the art I have provided, though you may do minor edits to it.
- You are allowed to change any name or bio given with the character, they are only prompts.
- Minor design alterations are fine; please inform me of major changes or overhauls.
- You have not purchased the rights to sell this character/design as an NFT nor register it to the blockchain at all. If you do, you are risking revocation of your license to use this character.
- Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a further license for commercial use.
The TOS you agree to are the ones linked in your receipt and on the social media post at the time of purchase, and may differ from this page. Additionally, any rules from closed species/co-designers that contradict what's written in these TOS are to be considered first. If ever in doubt, contact me and I will happily clarify.
2.0 - RESALE & REDESIGN ALLOWED- You may resell for as much as you purchased for + cost of additional investments (eg commissioned works). This goes for USD and premium currency on any site.
- You may trade for a character or voucher of equal value, or non-premium currency of any amount.
- You don't have to ask me, but I would like it if you informed me of trades.
- You must credit me on any pages that use the art I have provided, though you may do minor edits to it. Please inform me of major design alterations.
- You are allowed to change any name or bio given with the character, they are only prompts.
- You can redesign freely and any AU versions or canon changes/additional designs may be made without restriction, however these may not be sold as separate characters.
- You have not purchased the rights to sell this character/design as an NFT nor register it to the blockchain at all. If you do, you are risking revocation of your license to use this character.
- Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a further license for commercial use.
The TOS you agree to are the ones linked in your receipt and on the social media post at the time of purchase, and may differ from this page. Additionally, any rules from closed species/co-designers that contradict what's written in these TOS are to be considered first. If ever in doubt, contact me and I will happily clarify.
3.0 - HOBBLIN, RESTRICTED REDESIGN AND RESALE- You may resell for as much as you purchased for + cost of additional investments (eg commissioned works). This goes for USD and premium currency on any site.
- You may trade for a character or voucher of equal value, or non-premium currency of any amount.
- Trades can be logged and information updated at any time by commenting on The Clubb Guestbook. If you do not do this, the Masterlist entry will remain in the previous owners' name and I will need their permission to process various changes.
- You must credit me on any pages that use the art I have provided, though you may do minor edits to it. All design alterations must be submitted and approved through Hobb Hubb
- You are allowed to change any name or bio given with the character, they are only prompts.
- You have not purchased the rights to sell this character/design as an NFT nor register it to the blockchain at all. If you do, you are risking revocation of your license to use this character.
- Contact me if you are interested in purchasing a further license for commercial use.
- Sales are to be completed in USD through Paypal.com. It will be stated if points, trades, or other currencies are allowed on a case-by-case basis.
- Payment plans are only allowed for purchases exceeding $100 USD. Please be sure you can pay before claiming or bidding.
- Accounts under 2 weeks (14 days) old, or that show no sign of activity will not be allowed to purchase a Hobblin.
- Permission to use your Hobblin commercially is not sold alongside the rights to use a design when you purchase an adoptable or MYO. Please contact Hobb Hubb/BagelHero to inquire about commercial use.
- We do holds on a variable basis. Feel free to ask unless otherwise specified.
- We who run Hobblins, Hobb Hubb, reserve the right to refuse service.
Trading and Sales
- Hobblins may be resold only for the original price of purchase or less.
- You must wait a cool-down period of 2 weeks (14 days) before trading a Hobblin away. Please contact Hobb Hubb/BagelHero in the case of urgent and emergency resells.
- If you obtained a Hobblin through legitimate resale, you may also sell for up to the price that you purchased it from the original owner.
- If you got the Hobblin through a trade or swap, you may no longer sell them for money, vouchers, physical items (commissions exempt), or premium currency of any kind.
- You may Co-Own, but we will not mediate for you in the event of wanting to split. Do this at your own risk.
- If you are banned or blacklisted, you may not attempt to get around this infraction by creating a secondary account or using a friend. Likewise, you may not trade a purchased Hobblin to someone who is currently blacklisted or banned.
- Do not attempt to pry a Hobblin from another member via guilt, intimidation or any other form of harassment. This is a zero tolerance policy and will result in an infraction.
MYO, Redesign, and Misc
- MYO Tickets can only be obtained through BagelHero, or case-by-case as authorized by them.
- They can be purchased via paypal, ko-fi, or square. The price will be stated when open.
- MYO designs may not be based on copyrighted characters. Please be mindful of this.
- MYO Tickets do not expire, however they are one time use only.
- You may sell and trade a MYO Ticket up to its original value. If traded to you for non-monetary value, the ticket can no-longer be sold.
- MYO Hobblins must be submitted with proof of purchase and details on traits to Hobb Hubb for approval. Once approved, they will be added to the masterlist using the image submitted unless otherwise noted. You can update this information at any time by commenting on The Clubb Guestbook.
- MYO Hobblins have a cooldown of a month (30 days) before trading.
- On redesigning a Hobblin; it must plausibly be the same character. eg, You can redistribute traits or change the markings and colors, but not both.
- If designing abilities or mutations through a Fantastical Ticket or purchase of Phantasmagorical Knowledge, please be sure to describe them in the ref sheet or in your approval message so we can make sure they fit within the limits of the universe. Any details help!
Group Rules
- This is an inclusive group. We are welcoming of the LGBTQIA+ community and all cultures. Bigotry, ableism, transphobia, etc are zero-tolerance issues and will result in a ban.
- In line with the above, culturally appropriate designs are also not allowed. This goes for MYO designs as well as designs purchased from an official source. Refusal to co-operate with this within reason will result in an infraction.
- Trading, Seeking, Interest gauging journals and so on are allowed to be submitted to official channels so long as a Hobblin is included in what you're looking for or trading. Any journals that are unrelated to the group will be declined.
- NSFW artworks are not allowed to be submitted. While you are allowed to make NSFW art of your Hobblin, for both personal boundaries and the safety of minors, group submissions will be declined.
- If it is found that art submitted to the group was traced, stolen or otherwise obtained without permission this will result in an infraction on the behalf of the poster. Repeat infractions will result in a ban.
- If you find that you've encountered a problem with another member, admin, practices of the group or so on, please contact one of us. We admins are always happy to help and would prefer to remain professional.
Repeat infractions (3 strikes) are cause for a temporary or permanent ban. Please be mindful of this. Infractions act as warnings, and we reserve the right to ban early if the initial offense is severe enough.